January 04, 2013

Mille Feuille Ala Le Meredien Hotel

Tertarik dengan cake ini, ketika aku membaca Bakery Magazine, wah seperti nya menarik dan harus di coba neh... Base cake nya dari Puff pastry, ukuran 22 x 22cm sebanyak 3 lembar, berhubung di tbk nggak ada ukuran di atas tersebut, jd nya aku bikin sendiri puff pastry nya, butuh kira kira satu kilo adonan tepung terigu cakra, karena aku prediksi kalo bikin hanya 1/2 kg tepung, nggak akan cukup untuk di buat 3 lembar puff pastry ukuran 22 x 22cm. Adapun feeling nya itu menurut aku seh seperti vla,  yang biasa di buat untuk isian kue Soes. Tapi aku ikutin resep nya yang tertera di situ, walaupun aku udah sering juga buat Vla,

Ingredients :

• Puff pastry ( ready to use )
• White fondant
• Chocolate fondant
• Slice of Almond
• Strawberry for garnish

Pastry Cream :

5 pcs Egg yolks
6 to 8 tbs Sugar
2 cups Whole milk (± 375 ml)
125 gr Unsalted butter
3 tbs All-purpose flour
3 tbs Cornstarch
1 tbs Vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean
Pinch salt


Pastry Cream :

1.  In a medium-sized saucepan, heat the milk with the vanilla bean/vanilla extract almost to boiling.
2. While the milk is heating, mix the egg yolks and sugar together in a large bowl, then whisk in the flour and   cornstarch until the mixture is smooth.
3. Remove the vanilla bean from the milk, and gradually whisk the hot milk into the egg mixture. Strain the    mixture back into the saucepan, and place over medium heat, stirring or whisking constantly until the mixture thickens and reaches a boil. Continue cooking for half a minute longer, stirring hard and constantly to keep the pastry cream smooth.
4. Remove the pastry cream from the heat, stir it while add butter. Place a layer of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the pastry cream to avoid a skin forming, and leave to cool.
5. The pastry cream can be used when cool, or covered and refrigerated for up to several days until needed. Stir chilled pastry cream before using.

Direction :

1. Roll out the puff pastry to a square sheet and bake in oven until crisp. Cut the bakes sheet in 4 square sheets of 22×22 cm.
2. Every layers filling with pastry cream until all 4 sheets are used, so you have 4 sheets with 3 layers of pastry cream.
3. Reheat white fondant to correct temperature and pour on top of the cake.
4. Spread the fondant evenly on the baked sheet so it is covered all the way.
5. Use chocolate fondant to garnish the cake according to your liking.
6. At the end cover each side of the cake with roasted slivered almonds and put the strawberry on the top for garnish.

Source :

Bakery Magazine

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