January 01, 2013


J'adore macaron beaucoup !!!inti nya aku nggak bosan bikin macaron, mau ada order atau pun enggak, aku selalu sempatkan untuk buat macaron, gemes banged sama warna warna nya dan cara membuat nya yang penuh dengan tehnik, supaya mengasilkan kaki kaki yang bagus. Kali ini aku pakai resep nya laduree,  Kalo aku perhatikan macaron yang di hasil kan laduree bentuk  permukaan nya agak pipih...dan menurut teman yang pernah ke Paris, macaron ladure lebih enak rasa nya dari pada macaron Pierre Hermes.

Ini dia resep macaron laduree  :

275gr ground almonds
255gr confectioners sugar
210gr egg whites
210gr granulated sugar
a  few drops food coloring, I  used coloring powder.

Method :

* Mix the almond powder and icing sugar in a food processor then sift.
* Whisk the egg whites on medium speed until they foam then add a third of the granulated sugar and
   whisk on high sped until dissolve. Add another third, whisk then add the remaining sugar and whisk 
   1 or 2 more minutes.
* Add the food coloring while whisking until the color is fully incorporated
* Fold the sifted almond powder and icing sugar into the egg whites.
* Using a soft spatula, deflate the mix, then add the 1/2 egg white mixture and mix using the soft spatula
   until the egg white is fully mixed.
* Fill the mix in a piping bag while using a tip No. 5
* Line a baking tray with a parchment paper, pipe small rounds (3-4cm) of the mixture.
* Hit the tray from below to allow the mixture to release the rest of the air bubbles and the mix to flatten
* Preheat the oven to 150°C, and bake for 14 minutes.
* Remove baking tray from the oven and pour a tiny amount of water in between the tray and the
* Parchment paper, so the macarons peel off easily.
* When cool, place half the macaroon shells upside down on a plate
* Pipe a coin of raspberry jam onto the macaron shells using a piping bag and top each with the
   remaining shells before refrigerating for 24 hours.

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